Self-Care, Happiness, Emotional/Social Intelligence: A bibliography

Creativity, Effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence, Health, Keynotes, Mindfulness, Presentations, Productivity, Self-Care, Sleep

I recently had the privilege of keynoting the Access Services conference on November 12, 2015 (slides available on slideshare.)   I offered to put together a bibliography of the articles and research that informed some of my points around emotional and social intelligence, mindfulness, happiness, health, stress, and effectiveness.  Here it is!

This bibliography skews more towards “popular” books, articles, and resources as opposed to clinical studies and academic research.  This was a conscious choice I made because so many of the “popular” articles contain links and references to the harder science, and I thought this approach would be of more value to the layperson or casual reader, while still providing a pathway into the research for those so inclined to dive deeper.

If there are books, articles, videos, workshops, or other resources that have been helpful to you, please share your recommendations in the comments section.

Thank you and enjoy!

Articles and Blog Posts


  • Becoming a Resonant Leader: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence, Renew Your Relationships, Sustain Your Effectiveness.  by Annie McKee, Richard E. Boyatzis, and Fran Johnston. Harvard Business Review Press, 2008.
  • Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence.  By Daniel Goleman. Harper Paperbacks, 2015.
  • Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the Upward Spiral That Will Change Your Life.  By Barbara Frederickson. Harmony, 2009.
  • Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others through Mindfulness, Hope and Compassion. Harvard Business School Press,  2005.
  • The Scientific Power of Naps. Asap Science Video.
  • Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace).  By Chade-Meng Tan.  HarperOne, 2014.  (see also:
  • The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time.  By Alex Korb.   New Harbinger Publications, 2015.
  • Working with Mindfulness – Research and Practice of Mindful Techniques in Organizations. (Kindle Only)  by Mirabai Bush, Jeremy Hunter, Daniel Goleman,  Richard Davidson, George Kohlrieser . More Than Sound, 2015. .
  • Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long.   By David Rock. HarperBusiness, 2009.

Other Resources

Lead the Change: Create Your Career Roadmap: Slides, Script, and Handouts

Coaching, Effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence, Influence, Keynotes, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentations, Webinars

11/7/15 UPDATE — Archived presentation now available online:

This week I was honored to be the opening speaker for Library Journal’s new Lead the Change Leadership Academy.

My presentation focused on how to develop emotional and social intelligence competencies, how to use a basic coaching model to increase one’s effectiveness, and how to use the Intentional Change model to bring to life a vision of our ideal self.

  • The complete text of my talk are embedded in the notes field of my slides which are available on slideshare.
  • Full text of the talk is also available here.
  • I also created an interactive workbook as a supplement to the talk which will help you put the principles into practice.



Tame the Web Guest Post: A Tipping Point for Mindfulness Meditation?


I am honored to have a guest post up at Tame the Web in honor of the blog’s 10th Anniversary. 

Happy Anniversary Michael, and thanks for continually using your voice to expand our thinking and uplift the quality and tone of conversation in our profession!

IMG_3815Malcolm Gladwell famously defined the “tipping point” as that magic moment when an idea or practice crosses some invisible threshold, tips, and spreads widely throughout a culture or society.  Lately I’ve been wondering if the practice and benefits of mindfulness meditation are hitting that tipping point.

The many benefits of mindfulness meditation have been known to Buddhist monks and western scientists alike for many years.  But it is only recently that mindfulness seems to be recognized in the workplace as a valuable practice worth promoting and fostering among employees.


read the rest of the post at Tame the Web