PALA Presentation: TEDx and Libraries: A Partnership for Community Engagement

Presentations, Programming, Tedx

Here is the slide deck for our talk: TEDx and Libraries: A Partnership for Community Engagement, Presented by Peter Bromberg, Janie Hermann and John LeMasney for the Pennsylvania Library Association Conference, October 27, 2010.  (Download the powerpoint deck and look in speaker’s notes for content.)

Team TEDxNJLibraries

Presenting, Tedx

Originally posted to Library Garden

Team TEDxNJLibrarires

Originally uploaded by Khürt

It was an honor to be a part of TEDxNJLibraries.
Thank you Janie for inviting us to come along for this great ride. Thanks also to our amazing speakers, sponsors and attendees who came together to create a day of inspiration and conversation.
For more pictures from the event, see:

To follow the Twitter stream, see:

Professional pix and video, (courtesy of Girl + Camera and Shining Star Interactive) coming soon.