
I love your keynotes, it’s like pulling up water from the well of ideas.

You have intuitive groundedness. People present problems, and your gift to them is to see the whole of it.

People were thrilled. I think you really resonated, both with the message and how “real” you were.

Oklahoma Library Association OLA Gold Leadership Institute

  • Expertly facilitated potentially embarrassing situations.  You’re a pro!
  • This was the best professional development I’ve ever attended
  • Thanks for making me my better self.
  • This was an amazing experience that has changed my perspective on so much and given me tools I need.
  • The institute was not what we expected – it was more!
  • This was a defining life moment for me.
  • This was an invigorating, inspiring experience. Thank you.  Will this change me?  Yes, and…
  • Had an awesome experience.  Can’t wait to implement what I’ve learned!  LOVED IT!!
  • I have had a FANTASTIC time. I will treasure and implement many of the practices I’ve learned.
  • I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful experience I had at OLA Gold.  So often, one might attend workshops like this, and it all feels great, but the practical implementation is hard.  You and Sharon provided concrete activities, and easy ways to get these values, visions and habits into our daily routines.
  • I had a wonderful time at the institute – definitely one of the best things I’ve experienced in a long while.
  • OLA Gold has been the best leadership tool I could have asked for. I am a better friend, family member, and librarian because of this institute.

ALA RUSA President’s Program

  • Standing ovation for Pete Bromberg (RUSA pres. Program)
  • Awesome, awesome, awesome.  Thank you.
  • Peter Bromberg is stealing the show. Great talk so far.  Funny and spot on.
  • Hilarious!
  • The most reaffirming joy-inducing program I’ve been to yet.  A real boost to get me through the next work week.
  • Thanks for relighting the fire under my ass and reminding me why I want a library job

Indiana Library Federation Keynote

  • Pete is an awesome speaker. Did a great job
  • His off the cuff conversations are something amazing!
  • Loved it!  Thanks Peter.  I walked away feeling refreshed and ready to evaluate my new day tomorrow.
  • Really Enjoyed it Peter
  • Your keynote was brilliant

Connecticut Leadership Institute

  • Peter was inspirational. He gave me a fresh perspective on leadership and how to approach my work this year.
  • The keynote was very inspirational
  • The keynote was awesome.

Urban Libraries Unite Keynote

  • Peter’s speech was the bomb.  Really.  I can’t say enough good things about it.
  • I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking a lot about what a FANTASTIC keynote you did for us. I am using you as my keynote gold standard.
  • Several of my staff heard your keynote this past spring and were in raptures.

University of Rhode Island GSLIS Keynote

  • I just want to thank you for your inspiring talk.
  • I have to let you know that people have been flooding my inbox with nice comments about your talk yesterday.  You really made a great impression on everyone at the conference and we really learned a lot from you.
  • Outstanding!
  • You are truly helping to shape a new generation of librarians.  Thanks for doing this work.          

Additional Comments from Keynotes

  • Your presentation was everything I expected – and more. I so appreciate your ability to connect with people, inform and educate.
  • Your talk was so lovely, thank you! I was crying!
  • You breathed oxygen into me.
  • I didn’t think I could be inspired again

Pres4lib Presentation Unconference (Speaker/Organizer)

  • Pete Bromberg. One Word. Wow.
  • Nobody does it better
  • Doesn’t anybody really believe that pb is not a professional comedian?
  • Hilarious lightening talk presentation by peter Bromberg
  • Peter is da bomb
  • Peter Bromberg is the master. I bow down to his lightening talk

Coaching and Staff Development

  • You changed my life; with helping me realize that being a part of the solution is better than giving up.
  • Peter Bromberg is the best.  That is all.
  • Peter is genuinely interested in helping people like me develop into better leaders.
  • He is willing to listen anytime.  And  he delivers some really great advice on how to be a better communicator/leader/human. I think he is bad ass because he is accomplished , but also paying it forward.
  • Peter is always looking for ways to mentor and he is a low key kind of guy who is always kicking ass without taking credit.  When the chips are down he can be a fierce fighter.
  • Peter is a mentor.  He is helping to deliver the bad assess of library future.

Other Testimonials

  • Pete exudes more leadership and charisma than just about anyone else I’ve met, but (uniquely!) with a total lack of ego. He’s fearless and insightful about managing change, and it’s never about him – always about what’s best for the organization’s people and goals. I’ve learned as much about leadership just being in the same room with Pete as I have from reading whole books.  – Andromeda Yelton
  • What I value about you is your dedication to LIS – again, no posturing, no “Me Me me” stuff.
  • We’ve had some ups and downs with planning this year’s Staff Day and you gave us a needed “lift.”  In addition to your great knowledge and skill, your energy and enthusiasm are infectious.  Whether in a small or large group, you energize the people around you.
  • You have a great ability at giving the right advice when needed and for telling people what they need to hear.
  • Thank you so much for your thought-provoking presentation at our staff development day. I heard lots of positive comments from library staff (and library commissioners). People were still talking about it this morning at our morning meeting.
  •  Your passion and vision for libraries is always an inspiration to me, and I know you touched our staff as well.
  • Peter, you are now my public speaking hero. Great talk today .

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