Tame the Web Guest Post: A Tipping Point for Mindfulness Meditation?


I am honored to have a guest post up at Tame the Web in honor of the blog’s 10th Anniversary. 

Happy Anniversary Michael, and thanks for continually using your voice to expand our thinking and uplift the quality and tone of conversation in our profession!

IMG_3815Malcolm Gladwell famously defined the “tipping point” as that magic moment when an idea or practice crosses some invisible threshold, tips, and spreads widely throughout a culture or society.  Lately I’ve been wondering if the practice and benefits of mindfulness meditation are hitting that tipping point.

The many benefits of mindfulness meditation have been known to Buddhist monks and western scientists alike for many years.  But it is only recently that mindfulness seems to be recognized in the workplace as a valuable practice worth promoting and fostering among employees.


read the rest of the post at Tame the Web

The Very Heart of It. Keynote for Urban Libraries Unite (ULU) Conference, April 5, 2013

Influence, Keynotes, Leadership, Speaking

Here is the slidedeck from my recent keynote, The Very Heart of It, given at the Urban Libraries Unite (ULU) Conference in Brooklyn, NY on April 5, 2013. Note that the full text of the talk is available as a pdf (with slides) at: http://www.slideshare.net/pbromberg/urban-libraries-unite-ulu-conference-keynote-text-version-wslides