Lead the Change: Create Your Career Roadmap: Slides, Script, and Handouts

Coaching, Effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence, Influence, Keynotes, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentations, Webinars

11/7/15 UPDATE — Archived presentation now available online:

This week I was honored to be the opening speaker for Library Journal’s new Lead the Change Leadership Academy.

My presentation focused on how to develop emotional and social intelligence competencies, how to use a basic coaching model to increase one’s effectiveness, and how to use the Intentional Change model to bring to life a vision of our ideal self.

  • The complete text of my talk are embedded in the notes field of my slides which are available on slideshare.
  • Full text of the talk is also available here.
  • I also created an interactive workbook as a supplement to the talk which will help you put the principles into practice.



Purposeful Influence: Keynote at Connecticut Library Association Leadership Institute, August 9, 2013

Influence, Keynotes, Leadership, Speaking
Here is the slidedeck from Purposeful Influence, my Keynote at Connecticut Library Association Leadership Institute University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT August 9. 2013.  You can download the slidedeck (with full text of talk in notes field) at Slideshare.