The Learning Round Table co-sponsored (along with ALA) a Battledecks competition at ALA, and (perhaps I’m understating this) a good time was had by all. Below is the video to prove it!
Battledecks is a fun improv exercise that challenges contestants to deliver a presentation on the fly using an unknown slidedeck containing random (and often hilarious) slides. The contestants are judged on their ability to create a coherent presentation that incorporates the slide content smoothly. Laughs and getting through all of the slides on time are a plus.
If you think Battledecks looks like fun, consider a competition at your next Staff Development Day. Between contestants, judges, and slidedeck makers, there’s lots of opportunity for involvement—and as you can see from the video below, the audience is pretty involved too!
Direct link to playlist:
A big thanks to Janie Hermann for coordinating the Battledecks event, and to all of our judges and slidemakers! A special thanks to our good friend John LeMasney of for designing and sharing (through Creative Commons license) a wonderful Battledecks logo!