Indiana Library Federation Conference Keynote: FrameChanges (How to Be Effective)
Effectiveness, Influence, Keynotes, Leadership, Presentations
I am honored to have been included in Allen County Public Library’s Conversation Series, “a collection of interviews about the future of libraries, technology and the role we play in shaping the libraries of tomorrow.” Thank you to ACPL’s Sean Robinson and Kay Gregg for inviting me to participate in the series and for creating such a beautifully produced video.
Here is the slide deck for our talk: TEDx and Libraries: A Partnership for Community Engagement, Presented by Peter Bromberg, Janie Hermann and John LeMasney for the Pennsylvania Library Association Conference, October 27, 2010. (Download the powerpoint deck and look in speaker’s notes for content.)
Thank you to Kelly Garwood for creating and sharing this video! Slidedeck (with full text of talk in the notes field if you download the ppt) available at: